Work and travel

Work and travel

Quite often we are not sure what we want to do. We may have some definite criteria for future jobs like ensuring that there is the opportunity for professional development and a clear career path. We may want to stay local, work flexible hours or strictly have a no weekend work role. I used to flip flop between ideas of what I would like to do. One of the recurring ideas was to have travel incorporated into my job somehow.“Here is a great article that lists 15 jobs that incorporate travel”.

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Employment and ways to be shown the door.

Employment and ways to be shown the door.

When an employer recruits an employee, they are bringing that person into their organization to do a job for an agreed amount of money. Effectively they are paying you in exchange for your time.If we look at this another way. You go to a store and buy a product. If the product is faulty or does not do what it was advertised to do / meet your expectations, you will often return it to the store to be replaced or to get a refund.Now using that analogy and imagine you are that product. This is exa...

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You have got the qualifications but lack experience.

You have got the qualifications but lack experience.

Life is a competition. The job market is constantly shrinking due to certain industries becoming redundant as technology and climate change.The one constant that we do have is the number of youth joining the job market. Here is the  tricky part.  The  youth are now competing for jobs with older applicants who most likely have more experience. Quite often, the requirements of a potential future employer will require qualifications and experience. More often than not, the qua...

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Don’t forget to ask a question.

Don’t forget to ask a question.

Life is a competition, especially when you are going for a job. More often than not, there is always more than just one person going for that job, which means that you have to better than the other candidates in some wayIn order to get that job:You have spent the time looking at the job advertisement, fine tuning your resume, applying for the job and answering all the regular questions in the interview. Unfortunately the last question that tends to signal that the interview is over is asked.“D...

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Getting noticed.

Getting noticed.

Life is a competition. To put it into perspective, Google receives nearly three million resumes a year, with only seven thousand actually being hired. On a personal level, you might be in competition for a top grade, a race that you are competing in, a boy or girl that you like, a product that is on sale on an auction website or even a game of golf where you are competing against the course and getting a low score. Competition is all around you.With this in mind, you have to make a plan to “win”...

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Are you prepared?

Are you prepared?

After applying for a job, an interview is nearly always required. The interview is there to see if you will fit in the organization. The employer, after all is looking for the best person to do the job that needs doing. They are going to pay someone to do the job and therefore need to get the best value for their money.  They also want someone who they can trust as the “hired” employee will be representing their business in some way. This can be from being the janitor and appearance of the ...

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Life is a simulation

Life is a simulation

Everybody has an idea of what their life should hold for them. Some maybe focused solely on the earning potential. Others , perhaps a balance of life and money and for the lucky few, it is all about the quality of life where money does not mean much. When I say lucky ones, they are not guided by money and are content with their lives. There is no urge to upgrade their car, wear certain clothes or really care what anyone thinks. They have their set routine and are really happy with what they have...

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CashCrunch Careers uses research from the US Department of Labor and recruitment tools from the corporate world and combines them into a platform that will provide answers to the most loaded and commonly asked question by a parent to a child. What would you like to do with your life? Our survey report will help with this question by providing guidance based on your child’s inherent traits and potential. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete Enables positive d...

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Projected job growth in the next 10 years.

Projected job growth in the next 10 years.

Choosing a career that suits you, in my opinion is the most important consideration when choosing a job. Some people choose money as the most important factor. I get it. If you work, you expect to be paid huge amounts of money because your time is valuable. Unfortunately, the market place does not see it that way. For me, the two most important career paths would be medical and education, yet lawyers, accountants and many more careers are paid far more. Nurses and teachers are way down the list ...

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